About The Marquette County West End Youth Center

We desperately need a safe place for kids to be kids. A place where kids can get access to help for homework and mentoring. I started to research to see how this community could help our youth. We had the Boys and Girls Club working with us to see if we could have a BGCA here, but after a year working with them during the pandemic, the Director informed us it would be best to do this on our own. Our goal is to eventually partner with the Boys and Girls Club in Green Bay. We proceeded to work with the help of an attorney to get us incorporated as Marquette County West End Youth Center and on September 23, 2021 we had everything needed to submit our paperwork to the IRS. Our 501(c)(3) was approved on April 22, 2022! The Attorney General’s office has also issued our license to solicit funds. I’m asking you to help me save and empower our Youth of Tomorrow.

It all started about four years ago as I was standing at the counter of my daughter’s shop and there was a great deal commotion among the ladies shopping. Being a person that needs to know what life is all about, I asked what was all the fuss about. I noticed tears in their eyes and definitely needed to know what was wrong. I learned that a young high school student had committed suicide. As I processed the information, I got angry and cried out, “This should not be happening.” As I looked around, I saw that there was nothing to occupy our young people’s lives. There is no place where they can go to burn off energy or have some fun. Marquette is close by, but yet it’s a little out of the way for young people to go. As I continued to look around, anything there was for them to do cost more money than most of our children’s families could afford. How would they be able to get there?

We need as a community to join our forces together to make a difference in promoting the mental heath needed to give our youth hope.

The last two years have been extremely difficult for our youth. They need a safe place to come and share any thoughts or problems they may be experiencing, concerns, pain, fears, or grief. The center will also provide a Fun Zone for our youth! Activities like a Climbing Wall, indoor Skateboard park, jumping on the Ninja Trampoline and access to a basketball court to burn off energy in a healthy way. Which can give them hope that they matter.

In order to do this, we need your help. It will take money and manpower to accomplish this! We need you to look deep in your heart and know that every dollar you give will offer hope to the young students first grade through graduation. What our youth have experienced in the past two years is something that no other generation should have to experience again. We are a 501 c 3 organization and you will receive a Tax Credit letter for all you contributions.

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